It does help you create the right step by step structure to direct the user thrue choices , it does also describe correctly the goal of your GPTs .
(Work in progress)
It does suggest you the best mothodology you could use for the application you will choose.
This GPTs will help you create a complete persona with the Custom Instruction you can easely paste. It will also let you choose who you will adress it.
This GPTs will help you enter as much detail as possible to create a prompt for MidJourney or other image generator to understand your needs precisely.
This is different from my other projects, i made a document to describe all the adavanced techniques of prompting that is available.
I did find 22 from various sources and detailled them in a structured way.
En : Introduction.pdf
Fr : IntroductionFR.pdf
This project is a smaller one but is quite important since it does touch the issue my other projects does have, it is function calling and it is made to help LLM understand what we desire. It does use symbols to make reference a bit like coding language.
En : functioncalling.pdf
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